Management Committee and Meeting Dates

Management Committee
Activity Centres Incorporated is run by a Parent Committee.
If you wish to attend please speak to the Service Coordinator for details.

Upcoming Meeting Dates
* 6th March 2024
* 29th May 2024
* 21st August 2024
* 27th November 2024 – Annual General Meeting

Please Note.. the dates and times of meetings may change if needed by the Committee to ensure we have a quorum, therefore it is advisable that you contact our Manager Jessie via email if you would like to attend any of our meetings.

Meetings are held at 6.45pm via Teams/ Zoom or in person at one of our services.

RSVP should be at least 24 hours prior to each meeting so Jessie can inform you if there has been any changes to time or date of any meetings.

Child Care will be made available, if organised in advance.

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