We are currently in the process of updating our Philosophy to incorporate individual service Philosophies and a more holistic Organisational Philosophy. This process is quite in-depth and involves a lot of reflection on our practices, environments, relationships and so much more. We look forward to updating the wider ACI community with our new philosophy by mid 2025.
Current Philosophy
Our Organisation, it’s Management and Educators aim to provide an inclusive environment where the rights of each child are promoted.
We will ensure that each child can engage in play and leisure experiences supporting their right to learn through play.
We will provide programmed and free play experiences that promote play based learning opportunities that are fun, meaningful and challenging allowing interactions with peers & educators or individual experiences
We believe in providing opportunities where children can take risks for physical and emotional development, enabling them to develop the skills they need to build confidence, resilience and self-esteem in a safe, respectful environment and at a level where the child feels comfortable.
We aim to promote the importance and benefits of sustainable practices by collaborating with children and educators on ways we can reduce, reuse and recycle.
We believe that guiding children’s bahaviour through teaching them how to be safe, responsible, and respectful will allow them to positively engage with others.
We believe in families and children having a voice about matters that affect them and value family and child input into the organisation and its operation.
We aim to be supportive to the children and their families and strive for open communication, building and maintaining positive relationships and partnerships between our Educators, Management, Children, Families, Schools and the wider Community.”