Changing a Permanent booking
- Cancelling or changing permanent bookings will require 2 weeks written notice.
- Changes to bookings can be done via your Kangaroo time account
Casual Bookings
- Casual bookings will be considered in accordance with the current waiting list.
- Bookings can be made via the KT connect app- Kangaroo time
- Once casual bookings have been confirmed fees will be charged even if your child is absent.
- Cancellations to casual booking will require 2 weeks written notice.
Families need to contact Centrelink to apply for CCS / or log into your MY GOV account and complete the activity test to activate. you may need to contact Centrelink for further assistance.
for further information go to
We adhere to the Department of Education and Training (DET) priority of access guidelines as set out in section 6.3 of the Child Care Services Handbook.
- Priority 1. A child at risk of serious abuse or neglect.
- Priority 2. A child of a single parent who satisfies, or of parents who both satisfy the work, training, study test under section 14 of the A New Tax system (Family Assistance) Act.1999
- Priority 3. Any other child.
We will be giving priority to children attending our onsite schools.
If no vacancy exists, a waiting list operates.
Within these main categories, priority should be given to the following Children;
- Children in Aboriginal or Torres Straight Islander families.
- Children in families which include a disabled person.
- Children in families on a low income.
- Children in families from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
- Children in socially isolated families.
- Children of single parents.
There are some circumstances in which a child who is already in a child care service may be required to leave the service.
Where a service has no vacant places and is providing child care for a child who is a priority 3 under the priority of access guidelines, the service may require that child to leave the child care service in order for the service to provide a place for a higher priority child, but only if:
- The person who is liable to pay child care fees in respect of the child was notified when the child first occupied the child care place that the service followed this policy
and - The service gives that person at least 14 days notice of the requirement for the child to leave the child care service.
When filling vacancies, outside school hours care services must give primary school children priority over children who have not yet started school. When an outside school hour’s care service has no vacant places and is providing care for a child who has not yet started school, the service may require that child to leave the service so that the service can provide a place for a primary school child.
I understand I must complete all sections of the online enrolment form and provide ACI with all required documentation prior to my child’s first day in care.
I understand I must print, sign and return the enrolment form to the service prior to my child’s first day in care
I understand I must pay a $200.00 bond per child (refundable) prior to my childs first day, refer to fees policy
I understand I must pay a $50.00 enrolment fee (non-refundable) prior to my child’s first day
I understand that my child cannot start care until the above 4 steps are completed.
Bond and fees can be paid via internet transfer BSB 062224 Account 00903590 use childs name as a reference for the transaction.
I agree to abide by Activity Centres Incorporated (ACI) policies and procedures, which are reviewed and updated regularly and available on the ACI Website and at the service
I understand ACI is licenced under the Education and Care Services National Law 2010 and Regulations 2011, ACI must comply with the said National Law / Regulations
I understand once my child is booked into care I must give 2 weeks notice to change or cancel bookings
All fees can be paid via internet transfer Activity Centres Inc Commonwealth BSB 062224 ACCOUNT 00903590
I understand that permanent place bookings must be paid for even if my child is absent.
I understand that I must pay my fees by the due date each fortnight, failure to do so will incur a $25.00 late
I understand that staff, management committee and other authorised persons reserve the right, after all reasonable attempts have been made to contact the parents or guardians stated on the enrolment form to seek medical treatment from a registered medical practitioner, hospital or ambulance service and transportation of the child by an ambulance service, should the need arise. (reg 161)
ACI aims to ensure the proper care and attention to all children by following specific guidelines regarding the use of medications as per the Administration of Medication (Regulation 93) I understand that if my child needs medication whist in care I must complete the medication form and read the medication administration policy
I understand that if my child has a medical condition, allergy, or any specific health care needs that under regulation 91, ACI must provide parents with their medical conditions policy, which I can access on ACI Website, or at the service.
The information collected on this online enrolment form is for ACI records. It is essential that ACI has the current address, contact details and medical information for my child/ren and it is my responsibility, as the parent, to make sure all of these details are kept up to date. ACI will use and store records as per ACI privacy and maintenance of records policies
ACI and its staff have no right to refuse natural parents access to their child/ren. Child/ren will be able to leave the service with any natural parent, unless the service has viewed a custody order or equivalent. The natural parents must give the service staff proof of their identification that states their current residential address and contact details.
Other than natural parents, only authorised persons nominated on the enrolment form will be able to collect children, written permission must be given if someone other than nominated persons will be collecting children, they must present photo ID to staff on arrival.
I understand that ACI is a community based, not for profit organisation managed by a parent committee, all parents are encouraged to participate and contribute their feedback. It is best practice to ensure a parent representative from each of our services attend the committee meetings to ensure all services are supported.
I understand that vacation care is only available at our Girraween service and that a Vacation care booking form must be completed prior to each vacation care period
The information I have given is true and correct. I understand that any false and/or misleading information will result in my child/ren’s place being terminated. I will notify the service of any changes to information I have given on this form.
Whilst at the service my child/ren will be photographed and appear in the day books/videos.
Whilst at the service my child/ren may be observed and have relevant observations documented.
I understand that the service adheres to regulation 82 and its grounds are a tobacco, drug and alcohol free environment.
I understand the organisation has a website and a Facebook page, ACI staff try their best to ensure it is kept up to date with current and relevant information.
I understand that If I default in paying my account in full upon my child leaving the service and after a reasonable attempt has been made by the Organisation to collect my debt, I will need to pay the current debt collection fee which will be applied to my account on lodgement with an external debt collection agency, I will also be liable for any other charges incurred in collecting my debt by the debt collection agency. I understand that my details and the details of my authorised contacts will be forwarded to the external debt collection agency.
Additional activities
I understand that;
- At Toongabbie West Activity Centre:
- Children may be taken to Ambrose Park playground and/or Ambrose Park Community Garden, both venues adjoin the school . Children will be allowed to play on the equipment or help in the Community Garden as part of our programmed and free play activities.
- Children may leave the school grounds and walk a few houses down from the school, with staff to the red letter box to post letters.
- children may leave the school grounds and assist the staff with the placing and removing of the school crossing flags at the zebra crossing in Ballandella Road on a regular basis.
- children may leave the school grounds and assist the school by putting out the schools recycle bins for collection, they will be accompanied by staff.
- At Beresford Road Activity Centre:
- Children will be allowed to play on the climbing equipment in the school playground as part of our free play and programmed activities.
- Risk assessments are carried out on high risk procedures and activities provided.
- Risk assessments are carried out on all excursions.
- Risk assessments can be viewed or downloaded from the Risk assesment tab on our website or a copy can be obtained from the staff if requested.
At Activity Centres Incorporated our Educators are employed to value the importance play has in the growth, learning and development of all children
Article 31 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child states;
“That every child has the right to rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child and to participate freely in cultural life and the arts.
That member governments shall respect and promote the right of the child to participate fully in cultural and artistic life and shall encourage the provision of appropriate and equal opportunities for cultural, artistic, recreational and leisure activity.”
With the rights of the child in mind we have developed our Organisation Program Statement to ensure all children can engage in meaningful experiences that meet their individual needs and interests.
Our Program Statement:
“Our aim is to provide all children with the opportunity to engage in a diverse variety of freely chosen activities that are fun, meaningful and challenging, by allowing child focused play. Offering a wide variety of resources will allow each child to engage in play with their peers or on their own to enable them to develop skills and confidence at a level they feel comfortable.”
Educational Benefits of learning through Play:
Research supports that playful behaviour appears to have positive effects on the brain and on a child’s ability to learn. In fact, play may function as an important, if not crucial, mode for learning.
Play is beneficial because:
- It is a meaningful context for children to learn concepts and skills.
- It makes learning fun and enjoyable and allows children to enhance curiosity and creativity.
- It encourages children to explore and discover with their peers or on their own.
- It allows children to extend their interests.
- Children can experiment and take risks.
- Play provides opportunities for collaborative learning with adults and peers.
- It gives time and allows for the practicing of developing skills.
- It assists with the development of social skills and friendships.
- It stimulates a sense of wellbeing and self-confidence.
- It supports self-esteem and can reduce anxiety.
- Play has therapeutic effects.
The program is displayed, along with all the activities children can freely choose to engage with at the service on any day.
The program is used as a guide to ensure your children are offered a variety of activities; however the flexibility of it ensures a relaxed atmosphere.
Children’s participation in the program is communicated to families through our ‘All about us’ book, which is on display near the sign in sheets at each service, and through wall displays throughout the service.
- Our Organisation rules are; Be Safe, Be Respectful & Be Responsible.
- Our Educators are trained to ensure they understand the concept of guiding children’s behaviour in a positive way, ensuring that children develop the skills to self-regulate their own behaviour and understand that all choices have consequences.
- Educators will support children to ensure they understand what it means to Be Safe, Be Respectful & Be Responsible in each area of the service. (ie not staying within the designated boundaries of the service is not being responsible or safe, therefore they are not following the rules).
- Children must follow our Be Safe, Be Respectful & Be Responsible rules that are displayed on the wall at the service.
- Children will be the responsibility of the educators whilst at the service.
- Continued aggressive and/or disruptive behaviour will not be tolerated and may lead to your child’s place being terminated.
- Children may be given “thinking time” to cool down, if an incident occurs. Staff will ensure all children involved in the incident are given the opportunity to tell their side of the story before a decision is made. In some cases this may take time; children and parents will be made aware of the outcome.
- Please see our ‘Child Management Policy’ available on our website for more information.
- The Organisation promotes a zero tolerance to bullying.
- Children who bully others whilst at the service will have their place terminated.
- Parents who bully our educators, committee, other parents or children at the service will be banned; this may include your child’s place being terminated.
- While we understand the importance of homework, it is best done at home, an area will be made available for children, however we do not set aside specific times and staff are unable to assist children with their homework.
- If a parent insists their child must do their homework whist at the service they will be informed as per our homework policy that the child will only be required to sit for no more than 30 mins.
- Whilst at the service all children will be encouraged to participate in leisure activities and play.
- Children are encouraged to take responsibility for their own well being when it comes to sun protection and will be encouraged to find out the UV rating for the day and use sun protection when the UV rating is over 3
- Sunscreen is available at the service all year round for children to self apply when sun protection is required.
- All children must wear a shirt that covers their shoulders and a hat as minimum protection if sun protection is required.
- For further information see the Activity Centres Inc Sun Protection policy, which was developed by the cancer council and adopted by this Organisation, making us a sun smart Organisation.
- All Educators are made aware of safe work practices.
- All Educators understand their responsibility to assess any risks which may hinder the health and safety of staff, children and/or visitors to the service.
- Activity Centres Inc will follow all current safe workplace practices.
- Children and educators must wear appropriate footwear, thongs or slip-ons or high heel shoes are not considered appropriate. Footwear may only be removed for some activities, and only if it is deemed safe to do so by educators.
- Emergency drills are practised regularly; an evacuation plan is in place and is located at all emergency exits at each service. (as per National Regulations).
- The first aid box is in easy reach and well stocked at all times.
- There is always an educator on site with an asthma, anaphylaxis and first aid certificate.
- Parents will be contacted if their child becomes ill, injured or very upset.
- Parents will be informed in there are any infectious diseases in circulation
- Parents are advised to speak to the coordinator if any safety concerns arise.
- Parents are asked to not send any children to the service who are sick.
- The Organisation promotes open communication where all parents, children, and staff reserve the right to voice their concerns.
- Complaints and/or grievances should be directed to the coordinator.
- If the coordinator is unavailable, or has not resolved the issue, or you are still concerned please contact the manager.
- You can put your concern in writing and address it marked, private and confidential to the manager and/or and posted to PO Box 768 Toongabbie 2146 or .
- Our Parent Committee President and Vice President can be contacted via email at
- Comments and constructive criticism, which can be used to improve the Organisation operations & benefit educators, children and their families is always welcome.
- Feedback forms are also available, and kept on the sign in/out table at all of our services, or downloadable from our website.
Before School
- Breakfast is available until 8.00am at all services
- Refer to weekly breakfast menu on display at the services.
After School
- The service will provide a fruit and vegetable platter to complement an afternoon snack provided by parents, if needed.
- Children will need to bring along a healthy snack for afternoon tea, if needed.
- Parents are encouraged to provide children with a healthy snack.
- Do not send food that requires cooking, cooling or preparation.
- All food for the day should be packed into your child’s lunchbox with a cool pack or frozen drink to ensure it does not spoil throughout the day.
We promote and encourage Health Eating
- We encourage children to eat a variety of healthy foods as set out in the Australian Government guidelines.
- Food for health has lots of tips and great lunchbox ideas to keep lunchboxes interesting and healthy.
other websites that have healthy lunchbox ideas are.
To ensure we can provide all children with a safe environment we have become an allergy aware Organisation.
Children with life-threatening allergies to foods such as nuts, eggs, shellfish etc will have to have medical plans in place.
Parents must provide the medical management plan from their family Doctor.
Parents with anaphylactic children will be given a copy of our Medical Conditions Policy and will be expected to work with our staff to ensure medical management plans and risk plans are put in place to avoid exposure to any known allergens.
as nuts are the main allergen, we are a nut aware zone, please ensure you do not send any nut products for your children..
- Parents must complete a medication form, if a child requires medication whilst at the service.
- Medication will be given to children by the staff only if the medication is in its original container with pharmacy label clearly intact.
- If medication label does not specify a time to be administered you must bring in a letter from your doctor stating the name of the medication, dose and time to be given.
- Medication will only be administered that is in its original packaging (as per regulation 95 of the education and care services regulations)
- refer to our medication policy for further information on the administration of medication.
Policies and Procedures are put in place so everyone know what to expect.
All Families and our Staff are expected to follow our Organisations policies and procedures
if any of the links to our policies are broken so we can fix the error..
- We are a community based not for profit organisation. Over the years of operation it has been funded in many different ways.
January 1990 to December 2010
- Operational funding by the Department of Health and Family Services.
- User fees (Child Care Assistance available through Centrelink).
- Western Sydney Area Assistance Scheme (one off equipment grant $5,000.00).
- Fundraising and Donations of money and/or equipment.
- Department of Health and Family Services (June 97) to purchase a Laptop
- Kids West grant (Sep 07) $4000.00 to renovate kitchen area at Beresford Road
- Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations June 2008 grant of $7000.00 to upgrade system and training for new Child Care Management System
2011 to date
- User fees (including current and former fee relief /CCS, Centrelink).
- Fundraising
- Donations of money and/or equipment..
Our policy is to encourage parent involvement and participation at all levels in the operation of the Organisation.
Involvement can include:
- Being a member of the management committee.
- Attend quarterly meetings, which all parents are welcome to attend.
- Offering suggestions about the Organisation, equipment and our staff.
- Assisting in fundraising activities and events.
- Sharing and/or assisting staff plan cultural cooking, craft and other activities.
- Sharing information about your child with the educators, your child’s interests, hobbies, fears, family activities, break-ups, bereavement or if the family pet runs away affects children in many different ways. Educators can assist if they know what is happening outside the services hours. Please inform educators of any incidents so we can offer additional support, if needed
- Participating in surveys, questionnaires or discussions with educators to ensure that feedback is obtained from families.
Video for parents