Beresford Road Activity Centre

Beresford Road Vacation Care

Enrolments Now Open

  • No Cancellations of any Bookings will be accepted after close of business on Friday 04th April 2025.
  • Excursions and Incursion Days incur an additional charge, please see each day’s description for any additional charges on specific days.
  • Please see our Fees Page for a complete list of all our Fees and Charges for Vacation care here
  • Autumn Vacation Care Program

    Find a Summary of our Program Here: Autumn Program Summary

    Click on each day to see all the details of the exciting things we have happening each day these school holidays.

Throughout the holiday period we may visit Darling Street Park – which is just a short walk from the service.   If you are happy for your child to attend these excursions to the park, please ensure you return the Permission form below and read the attached Risk Assessment to know what children will be doing at the park.

The Permission form also includes our regular excursion to the school computer room throughout the holidays, face and nail painting, wheeled toys and cooking authorisation.

Darling Street Park RA 2025
Computer Room RA 2025
Cooking Activities RA 2025

Please see “What to Pack” tab below to ensure your child has everything they need each day.

Each daily tab will provide you with all the details of the exciting things we have happening and what additional things may be needed each day  these school holidays.


Monday 14th April 2025 - In Service Day - Science Day

Today our children will be engaging in fun and exciting science experiments and enjoyable experiences throughout the day.

Science Experiment teaches children to analyze information, solve problems, and make informed decisions.

Cost: $80.00 


Tuesday 15th April 2025 - In Service Day - sculpting Day

Transforming a lump of dough into a tangible object

Today let’s express our creativity and imagination by shaping and moulding clay to make some shapes using Sculpting techniques.

Benefits of Dough Sculpting

This hands-on activity improves fine motor skills by promoting hand-eye coordination and finger dexterity. As children manipulate the clay, their hand muscles strengthen, improving the precision necessary for different delicate motor tasks.

Cost: $80.00


Wednesday 16th April 2025 - Incursion: Dance Games

This lively program invites children to dance, play, and have a blast with a variety of fun-filled dance games and challenges.

It combines energetic dance routines with interactive games to keep everyone moving and smiling. Perfect for unleashing creativity and building confidence through the joy of dance!

Children will also be involved in children choice craft and games throughout the day.

Time: 1:30pm – 3:00pm

Bookings Must be in by Monday 8th  April – Families will be informed by Friday 11th  April if incursion will not go ahead.

If we are unable to hold the incursion due to low numbers we will have Children choice Craft and Games

Cost: $100.00


Thursday 17th April 2025 - In Service Day: Easter Fun Day

A day full of Easter fun!

Children will have fun playing outdoor games in the sun and Indoor fun with Easter themed art & Craft which includes Woven paper basket, Paper egg craft, Easter egg rolling race and much more.

Cost: $80.00


Friday 18th April 2025 - Public Holiday - Good Friday - Service Closed

Service Closed – Public Holiday – Good Friday



Monday 21st April 2005 - Public Holiday - Easter Monday - Service Closed

Service Closed – Public Holiday – Easter Monday


Tuesday 22nd April 2025 - Incursion - Dragon Quest

Join in for an exhilarating adventure in this Dragon Quest incursion which focuses on

  • Day Filled with excitement and strategy
  • Encourages collaboration and teamwork
  • Fun challenges in this entertaining workshop

Embark on thrilling challenges inspired by the legendary Dragon Ball series

Some of the challenges are Dragon Ball Quest, Dragon Cave dash and Dragon Drawing Challenge.

Spend a day enhancing your creativity by engaging in fun activities that test your imagination.

Time: 1:30pm – 3:00pm

If we are unable to hold the incursion due to low numbers we will have Children choice Craft and Games

Cost: $100.00


Wednesday 23rd April 2025 - Incursion: Inflatable slide

Back on popular demand.

Join in for a thrilling day of jump & slide on the inflatable.

Children will also be involved in children choice craft and games throughout the day.

Time: 10:00am – 2:00pm

Inflatable Games Risk Assessment

If we are unable to hold the incursion due to low numbers, we will have Children choice Craft and Games

Cost: $100.00


Thursday 24th April 2025 - In service Day - Wheeled Toy Day

Bring in your bikes and scooters to ride all day.

To celebrate ANZAC day we will be baking some ANZAC cookies

Permission Form Here

Cooking Risk Assessment

Wheeled Toys Risk Assessment

Cost: $80.00


Friday 25th April 2025 - Public Holiday - ANZAC Day - Service Closed

Service Closed – Public Holiday – Service Closed



Monday 28th April 2025 - Pupil Free Day - In Service Day - Make it Monday

Let your imagination run wild with a day of creativity and art making working with uncommon materials to make some masterpieces! We will explore string art, look at some sketching and drawing tricks and engage in some physical art themed games.



Tuesday 29th April 2025 - Pupil Free Day - In Service day - Dress Up Day

Come dressed in a costume of your choice to have a day full of dress-up games and craft to develop imagination and a chance to act out different roles! Make some accessories for your outfits using junk craft and show them off with a fashion parade at the end of the day!

Cost: $80.00


Back to Before and After School Care from Wednesday 30th April 2025 for the start of Term 2!


Important Information

How to Make a booking

Once the enrolment form is complete, the service coordinator will confirm your start date with you.

Then you can download the Kangaroo Time App (KT Connect)

Used us before

  • PLEASE DO NOT register a new account.
  • Download the Kangaroo Time App (KT Connect) and use your  Log in email address your statement is sent to log on.
  • Use the casual calendar in the app to make a booking for vacation care.

New to our Organisation

  • Click on the below link and follow the prompts to create a booking request.
  • Once the service coordinator has confirmed we have a place available you will be required to complete an enrolment form.

PLEASE NOTE: Not supplying all the mandatory information will slow down your enrolment process and push back your start date.


Child Care Subsity (CCS)

  • If you have not used the service in 14 weeks your CCS will automatically drop off and will show up as ‘Ceased’.  
  • To ensure that you receive CCS for Vacation Care,  you need to confirm your enrolment with CCS. 
  • To confirm your CCS you need to go on your My Gov account and go to your tasks and confirm your booking at Activity Centres. 
  • It is your responsibility to ensure you confirm your bookings, without completing this step you will pay full fees for the vacation care period. 

When Logging into My Gov to confirm CCS enrolment. 

  • Centrelink have their own weeks (that apply to their CCS fortnights), these do not always match our week one and two of vacation care, so this can be confusing when you go into confirm.    
  • CCS fortnights are sometimes different to Vacation Care Weeks, please don’t just “dispute” the booking as this can take some time to rectify.   
  • As per Centrelink guidelines, there may be some days during this vacation care period where you will be charged full fees, due to you capping out your approved hours in the CCS fortnight.  


Arrival, Departures and Absences

  • An authorised person must sign children into care and out of care each day.   The service cannot be held liable for any child not signed in care.  
  • Children must be collected before 6:30pm.   
  • If a child is to be absent, parents/ guardians must contact the service before 8:30am and inform Educators of my child’s absence. You will be charged for absent days. 
    Delivery & Collection of Children Policy


What to Pack

Please Note: 

  • We would prefer you leave toys and personal items at home.  The service takes no responsibility for items that are lost, broken or stolen. 
  • Please ensure that all items are labeled with your child’s name.  
  • Children are NOT to bring mobile phones or devices capable of making phone calls (e.g. smart watches) to the Service.  


Medical Conditions, Asthma, Allergies and Additional Needs

  • Families must inform the service of any behavioural, medical or additional needs that a child may have to ensure the service is adequately staffed to cater for all children’s needs at the Service.
  • It is the parent/guardians responsibility to:
    –      inform the service of any medical conditions your child may have
    –      supply the service with medical management plans from a medical practitioner and all medications needed.
    Note: This must be done at least 5 working days prior to the child’s 1st day of care to ensure the Educators have sufficient time to complete a Risk Minimaisation plan.
  • As per Regulation 90 and our Medical Conditions Policy, without the correct medications and paperwork children will be unable to attend the service.
    Medical Conditions Policy 2022
  • As per Regulation 95, medication must be supplied in the original container.
  • Medication cannot be administered if there is not a completed Medication Form or it is not in its original container.  Medication Administration 160822


Wheeled Toys

Throughout the holiday period we have nominated days that children will be permitted to bring their wheeled toys, such as bikes and scooters – see above.
A detailed Risk Assessment (found above in program information) has been carried out and Policy developed.

Please Note: In wet weather bike and scooter day will not go ahead.

WHEELED TOY RULES – Read these rules with your child prior to attendance:

  1. All children must follow directions of Educators and ride within the designated riding area.
  2. All children must have a helmet and closed in shoes. If children do not have a correctly fitted helmet or suitable shoes, they will not be allowed to ride. Knee, wrist and elbow pads are required if bringing skateboards, roller blades, roller-skates etc.
  3. Children will not be allowed to ride another child’s Wheeled Toy, only owners permitted to ride.
  4. Children will not be able to do any tricks on their Wheeled Toys.
  5. Wheeled Toys must be walked into school grounds so that children playing are not injured.
  6. All Wheeled Toys must be taken home at the end of the day.
  7. Wheeled Toys need to be well-maintained, If staff deem any as unsafe, children will not be permitted to ride.
  8. Children must be able to ride wheeled toy competently and safely, it is not a learn to ride day.


Electronic Games and Media

  • Children can bring along their electronic gaming device to be played with during the allocated times only – when not being played children can lock games up and sign them into our register.  
  • All devices must have internet, calling and messaging capabilities shut off prior to them being brought into the service. 
  • If these features can’t be deactivated then children will not be able to play on then, we will lock them up in a secure location and hand back to the parent at the end of the day.
  • We ask that no child bring phones or devices capable of making phone calls and messages, including smart watches – if families wish to contact their child while they are in care, you are welcome to do so via calling the service directly.
  • All gaming device cameras must be covered at all times. 
  • One device per child is to be brought in. 
  • Games and Apps used need to be rated G or PG only.  Educators will not allow children to play games they deem as inappropriate.  
  • Social Media applications and sites will not be able to be used while at the service.
  • Please label all devices with names.  
  • We WILL NOT charge game devices at the service – they must come fully charged. 
  • Children are only permitted to play their own device.
  • Anyone not following the rules will not be permitted to play. 
  • We take no responsibility for lost or broken electronic devices.  If you are concerned about this please leave them at home. 
  • We ask parents ensure they discuss these rules with your child prior to allowing them to bring their devices to the service.


Additional Information

  • Emergency drills are practiced randomly throughout the holidays.  The evacuation plan is in place and located at the exit of each room. 
  • First aid kits are easily accessible and well stocked at all times.  
  • At all times we will have educators on shift who hold a current first aid certificate, as well as asthma and anaphylaxis training.  
  • Sunscreen is available at the service and will be applied to the children when required. 
  • While at the service children may be photographed and appear in photo books, organisation videos, class dojo, social media or our website.   If you do not wish for this to occur then you need to inform the service is writing and update your enrolment form in you Kangaroo Time app (KT connect). 
  • All children are expected to follow the Service rules and Educator instructions.  If a child fails to do so, a parent/guardian or (if they are unavailable) an authorised contact will be called to collect. 
  • Families and Children must abide by all Activity Centres Inc., Policies and Procedures.   These can be viewed on request at the service or here


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